Welcome to Unit London Web3
- Create Collections – either ERC-721 (for 1/1 NFTs) or ERC-1155 (NFT editions)
- Create NFTs within each Collection
- Publish NFTs on the Unit London website for sale
- Enable Airdrops and ‘Redeems’
- NFTs are created on our platform, listed for sale on the website, and are minted on chain at the point of purchase.
- NFTs are already minted on chain by the artist using Manifold, and are listed for sale on the website.
Register a Collection
If you’re adding an NFT by an artist who has an existing collection, you don’t need to create a new one – you can simply find the existing Collection, and go straight to Step 5. The only exception is if you are creating a new Collection for that artist for a specific project.
To create a new Collection:
1. Click ‘Add Collection’
2. Fill out the details of the collection. This information will be registered on-chain.
Here’s a quick explanation of the different fields:
- Collection Name: The name of the NFT Collection.
- This is typically in the format of Artist Name X Unit London
- Symbol: The token symbol associated with your NFTs. Ie: APE
- Royalties Percentage: The % of resale royalties the Artist will receive on secondary sales.
- This is capped at 10%
- External Link: A URL to the artist’s online profile.
- This could be their Unit London artist page, their website, or a link to their social media.
- Description: A brief description of the new NFT collection.
- Eg. Helena Sarin presents ‘Unjoin, on the Raucous Edge of Stability’ for Unit London’s online exhibition ‘The Perfect Error’ curated by Luba Elliott.
- Artist Address: The Artist’s ETH wallet address, from which the collection will be minted.
- Type: ERC721 or ERC1155
- a 721 collection is for 1/1, unique NFTs, a 1155 Collection allows for multiple editions of the same artwork.
- Cover Image: This is the logo for the collection, which will appear on Opensea.
- This could be a representative ‘her’ image of the artist’s work.
- Next Click Submit. You will be asked to confirm the blockchain transaction to register the Collection on-chain.
Once registered, you will notice that the Collection has appeared on the My Collections page. Note – this might take a few minutes!
Add NFTs to Collection
This is the fun part! Remember, if it’s an ERC721 collection, you can only register 1/1s. If it’s ERC1155, you can create an NFT with multiple editions.
1. Find the Collection, click View Collection, and then click Add NFT.
- NFT Name: The title of the NFT artwork, as it will appear on-chain.
- Token Id: The unique identifier of this NFT. This should appear automically in chronological order, based on the number of NFTs in the collection.
- Editions: Set the number of editions (this field only applies for ERC1155)
- Price: The sale price of your NFT in Ethereum.
- External Link: A URL to the Artist’s profile (website, social media etc), which will be displayed on Opensea.
- Sale Date: The date at which this NFT will be published on the website and be available to mint.
- Sale Time: The time at which this NFT will be published on the website and be available to mint.
- NFT Description: This is the Artwork description that will appear next to the artwork on the website.
- Eg. Within the work a globe, a world, influences from artists James Turrell and Dan Flavin are evident as Lieberman creates a virtual light simulation. The work focuses on geometry and examines how colour, light, and grid can commingle in novel and dynamic ways. The work is inspired by Edward E. Zajac’s first ever computer-animated film entitled ‘Simulation of Two-Gyro Gravity-Gradient Attitude Control Systems’ created in 1963.
- Attributes: The attributes are listed on the left. Simply input the desired value in the corresponding fields on the right.
- The Artist Name property is required and should be populated.
- Image file: Add a SVG, PNG, JPG or GIF. Note, you can’t add an image as well as a video file.
Multimedia file: Add a video or Audio file. Note, you can’t add an image as well as a video file.
2. Click Submit and confirm the transaction on blockchain. The NFT is now created. Give it a few minutes to appear, and you can then view and verify the details in the Collection.